FILM-REVIEW(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual FILM-REVIEW(7) NAME film review – stock, that is DESCRIPTION this summer I got really into analog photography. I've tried out a bunch of different film stocks, thanks to the local photo lab, and I've developed (pun intended) some preferences. here they are. BLACK & WHITE 1. Ilford FP4+ (ISO 125, United Kingdom) definitely my favourite b&w film. I love the fine grain and contrast with good shadow detail. really just exactly what I want out of a b&w film I think. ISO 125 is quite generous for what it is, but it's still best suited for sunny days. sample: 2. Fomapan Creative (ISO 200, Czech Republic) I've only shot one roll of this so far, but I really like the balance it strikes between fine grain and high speed. it just seems like a good go-to film for what I like to do with b&w photography, given the extra flexibility over FP4. sample: 3. Ferrania P30 (ISO 80, Italy) another that I've only shot one roll of, but I really like the results. obviously it swings in the other direction in terms of film sensitivity, but more importantly it has a distinctive look. that's harder in b&w than it is in colour! sample: 4. Ilford Delta 100 (United Kingdom) as far as I'm concerned this is just more expensive FP4. it certainly looks good but I'd rather save the couple extra dollars. sample: 5. Ilford HP5+ (ISO 400, United Kingdom) it's like, ok. more grainy than I'd like, but that's to be expected of high speed. my real problem with it is the lack of contrast. maybe I should only be shooting it pushed, but I don't want to pay the extra fee to have my local photo lab do that. sample: 6. Fomapan Action (ISO 400, Czech Republic) I almost wonder if something went wrong either in shooting or processing the one roll of this I shot. everything came out very low contrast. sample: I didn't end up uploading any. COLOUR 1. Shanghai Color (ISO 400, China) I love the desaturated colours and the grain on this. I guess I like fine grain in b&w and coarse grain in colour. I think this is well suited to the subjects I like to photograph, like old brick buildings, but it also does nature quite nicely. I think this will be a good one to capture fall with. ok so this is almost certainly repackaged Wolfen Color NC500 (made in germany). but the thing is, shanghai does a better job packaging it. they use real metal cassettes and add film edge markings. and their box design is way nicer. and on top of THAT, my local photo lab sells it for cheaper than NC500. sample: 2. Harman Phoenix (ISO 200, United Kingdom) phoenix is a fun film! the lack of yellow filter and anti-halation layer can produce some neat effects. in the right conditions it also sometimes looks exceedingly normal. but it also sometimes just... doesn't work well. underexposed areas can get really bad. apparently it can be better to shoot it at ISO 100. I should give that a try, or just be more diligent with how I'm metering. sample: 3. CineStill 800T (USA?) I can't really say much about this yet. I don't have much experience with indoor photography. the lack of anti-halation layer does tend to make lights look sinister as hell, though. I'll probably shoot one of the cheaper repackagings of ISO 800 cinema film in the future. sample: 4. Film Washi “X” (ISO 100, France) this is mostly pretty normal film without a yellow filter. not much to say about it. I'd be more interested to try washi's other repackaged b&w technical films, but I think I missed them being in stock here. sample: 5. Fujifilm 400 (Japan?) I shot my two first ever rolls on this. they were surprisingly good! the scans did the film dirty though. that was before I found the good photo lab. 6. Kodak Gold (ISO 200, USA) ok so this is a cheap film, right? but it's too damn good. fine grain, accurate colour. it looks like digital to me, and that's not what I want. even fuji has a little more character to it than this. puts me off kodak. sample: AUTHORS Juniper if you have suggestions for film stocks I should try, send me an email. Causal Agency October 12, 2024 Causal Agency