USING-VI(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual USING-VI(7) NAME Using vi – simpler tools DESCRIPTION Happy new year and hello from vi(1)! I'm in the mood to post something but not in the mood for “social” media. This one will probably be short. Yesterday I was trying to work on sandboxing catgirl(1) (that's the IRC client I work on) with pledge(2) and unveil(2) on OpenBSD, as suggested by the maintainer of its port. I've done similar things before, but only on server software rather than user software. Anyway I was in ssh(1) to my OpenBSD VM (sadly I don't currently have any hardware to run OpenBSD on) using my usual editor, which is nvim(1). I'm honestly not very thrilled with what neovim is doing lately, but the cleaned up defaults make my configuration files happier. The real problem with nvim(1), though, is that it's laggy as hell on OpenBSD. There is significant delay on every single keystroke, as if I'm typing remotely to a server on the other side of the world, but this is on a local VM! So I did the only reasonable thing: I typed :qa followed by vi. The difference was astonishing. Typing and editing suddenly felt physical again. (I put that in italics even though I know it won't render.) Not only was it a vast improvement over nvim(1) in ssh(1) in a VM, it was a marked improvement over nvim(1) running locally and natively. Now obviously vi(1) doesn't have all the bells and whistles of newer editors, but of course the core editing model that makes vim(1) and nvim(1) so good is there, and in purer form, I think. The vi(1) manual page is feasible to just sit down and read, and learn everything there is to know about the editor. I set up a basic configuration and got coding. export EXINIT='set ai ic sm sw=4 ts=4' After I finished my pledge(2) and unveil(2) patch, I was so pleased with vi(1) that I kept on using it yesterday and today for other work, and obviously to write this post. Despite the lack of editor amenities, its responsiveness and simplicity are enough to make using it comfortable and perhaps cosy. I'm not sure I'll ever use vi(1) full-time, but for now I am much less likely to launch nvim(1). AUTHORS june Causal Agency January 11, 2021 Causal Agency